Work With Us

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At Union Made, we have significant policy expertise on the most important issues facing unions: California wage and hour law, administrative enforcement, state procurement, labor standards, public and private sector collective bargaining, industry trends, future of work, technology and automation, health care cost containment, housing and land use, education, transportation, retirement security, rights of immigrant workers, and worker health and safety.

We provide the following services:

Legislative Campaigns: Run statewide legislative campaigns, drafting and lobbying bills, developing a communications strategy, and building a coalition of support.

Legislative Monitoring: Track bills and budget items that impact your union and your core industries.

Political Outreach: Help your union navigate Sacramento politics and build awareness of your membership’s key priorities.

Lobbying Training: Provide trainings for leaders, members, stewards, and worker advocates on how to understand the legislative process and lobby effectively.

Labor-Management Efforts: Advise Labor-Management Committees on issues that impact their industries and advocate for policies that promote good union jobs.

Coordinate State and National Campaigns: Track legislation in California and DC to find ways to integrate the work and amplify the union objectives.

Support Local Union Campaigns: Provide policy and strategic advice to support union contract fights and win local issue campaigns.
